Our Process

Products we use to clean your windows

Soap Water
It all starts with a bucket and clean water. We use the finest tap water in Montrose county; you could almost drink it (before we put soap in it). The soap we use is typically dish soap. This is the secret to super-clean windows– cuts grease and smells nice. It also allows for a great glide of the squeegee.

We use scrubbers to apply the soap-water. Made of ultra-soft materials, we use various sizes depending on the size of the window.

Steel Wool
Our steel wool is literally the finest. Rated #0000, it cleans anything off of windows without making a scratch. Removes everything from concrete to hard-water stains.

Razor Blades
When something is difficult to remove with steel wool, we use a fresh razor blade, which is also gentle on glass when used with soap water.

Some windows are tempered, however, like ones above baths tubs or next to doors, and require extra care. Razor blades may scratch a tempered window. Usually they are labeled “Tempered” in one of the corners. In this case, we test a corner of a window very lightly and listen for a “crackling” sound. If that happens, we don’t use a blade except for the very edges of a window where paint or stain need to be removed. For the rest of the window, we use steel wool.

We use professional grade rubber squeegees. This allows us to quickly remove soapy water from the windows before they streak.

We use a standard towel to wipe up the water taken off by the squeegee. This usually gives the window sills a much-needed dusting!

Microfiber towels
After using the squeegee and a standard towel to remove most of the water, we go along the edges with microfiber towels. They pick up the last of the water, and made windows look brand-new.

Clean the screens
The last step in our window cleaning process is to clean the screen. We use a damp towel to dust off the screen (outside, if they’re really dirty). We do both sides. This step allows customers to fully enjoy their newly cleaned windows.